ARM - Cortex M7 ADC ADD AND B BIC BL BX CDP CMN CMP EOR LDC LDM LDR MCR MLA MOV MRC MRS MUL MVN ORR RSB RSC SBC STC STM STR SUB SWI SWP TEQ TST ADC Add with Carry ADD Add AND AND B Branch BIC Bit Clear BL Branch with Link BX Branch and Exchange CDP Copressor Data Processing CMN Compare Negative CMP Compare EOR Exclusive OR LDC Load Coprocessor from memory LDM Load Multiple Registers LDR Load Register from memory MCR Move CPU Register to copressor register MLA Multiply Accumulate MOV Move Register or Constant MRC Move from copressor to CPU Register MRS Move PSR status/flags to registers MUL Multiply MVN Move negative register ORR OR RSB Reverse Subtract RSC Reverse Subtract with Carry SBC Subtract with Carry STC Store Copressor register to memory STM Store Multiply STR Store Registers to memory SUB Subtract SWI Software Interrupt SWP Swap registers with memory TEQ Test bitwise equality TST Test bits Suffix EQ NE CS CC MI PL VS VC HI LS GE LT GT LE AL 0000 EQ 0001 NE 0010 CS 0011 CC 0100 MI 0101 PL 0110 VS 0111 VC 1000 HI 1001 LS 1010 GE 1011 LT 1100 GT 1101 LE 1110 AL Register: R0 bis R12 R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 ... R12 SP (R13) LR (R14) PC (R15) PSR PRIMASK FAULTMASK BASEPRI CONTROL 1.) LOW Registers 2.) HIGH Registers 1.) LOW Registers: R0 .. R7 2.) HIGH Registers: R8 .. R15 1.) LOW Registers: R0 .. R7 2.) HIGH Registers: R8 .. R15, R8 .. R12, SP (R13), LC (R14), PC (R15) 1.) General Purpose Registers 2.) Stack Pointer 3.) Link Register 4.) Program Counter 5.) Special Registers 1.) PSR Program Status Register 2.) Exception mask register 1.) PRIMASK 2.) FAULTMASK 3.) BASEPRI 3.) CONTROL Registers PSR Program Status Register Exception mask register CONTROL Registers 13 general-purpose registers, R0-R12. Stack Pointer (SP), R13 alias of banked registers, SP_process and SP_main. Link Register (LR), R14. Program Counter (PC), R15. Special-purpose Program Status Registers (xPSR). registers that control the operation of the processor System Control Space. Access Control Space. Identification Space. Cache Maintenance Space. Auxiliary Control Register. CPUID Base Register. Cache Level ID Register. Cache Size ID Register. Cache Size Selection Register. Instruction and Data Tightly-Coupled Memory Control Registers. AHBP Control Register. Cache Control Register. Auxiliary Bus Fault Status Register. Instruction Error bank Register 0-1. Data Error bank Register 0-1. AHB Slave Control Register. the system control registers 0xE000E008 0xE000E00C 0xE000E010 0xE000E014 0xE000E018 0xE000E01C 0xE000ED00 0xE000ED04 0xE000ED08 0xE000ED0C 0xE000ED10 0xE000ED14 0xE000ED18 0xE000ED1C 0xE000ED20 0xE000ED24 0xE000ED28 0xE000ED2C 0xE000ED30 0xE000ED34 0xE000ED38 0xE000ED40 0xE000ED44 0xE000ED48 0xE000ED4C 0xE000ED50 0xE000ED54 0xE000ED58 0xE000ED5C 0xE000ED60 0xE000ED64 0xE000ED68 0xE000ED6C 0xE000ED70 0xE000ED78 0xE000ED7C 0xE000ED80 0xE000ED84 0xE000ED88 0xE000EF00 0xE000EF50 0xE000EF54 0xE000EF58 0xE000EF5C 0xE000EF60 0xE000EF64 0xE000EF68 0xE000EF6C 0xE000EF70 0xE000EF74 0xE000EF78 0xE000EF7C 0xE000EF80 0xE000EF90 0xE000EF94 0xE000EF98 0xE000EF9C 0xE000EFA0 0xE000EFA4 0xE000EFA8 0xE000EFB0 0xE000EFB4 0xE000EFBC 0xE000EFD0 0xE000EFD4 0xE000EFD8 0xE000EFDC 0xE000EFE0 0xE000EFE4 0xE000EFE8 0xE000EFEC 0xE000EFF0 0xE000EFF4 0xE000EFF8 0xE000EFFC 0xE000E008 ACTLR 0xE000E00C 0xE000E010 SYST_CSR 0xE000E014 SYST_RVR 0xE000E018 SYST_CVR 0xE000E01C SYST_CALIB 0xE000ED00 CPUID 0xE000ED04 ICSR 0xE000ED08 VTOR 0xE000ED0C AIRCR 0xE000ED10 SCR 0xE000ED14 CCR 0xE000ED18 SHPR1 0xE000ED1C SHPR2 0xE000ED20 SHPR3 0xE000ED24 SHCSR 0xE000ED28 CFSR 0xE000ED2C HFSR 0xE000ED30 DFSR 0xE000ED34 MMFAR 0xE000ED38 BFAR 0xE000ED40 ID_PFR0 0xE000ED44 ID_PFR1 0xE000ED48 ID_DFR0 0xE000ED4C ID_AFR0 0xE000ED50 ID_MMFR0 0xE000ED54 ID_MMFR1 0xE000ED58 ID_MMFR2 0xE000ED5C ID_MMFR3 0xE000ED60 ID_ISAR0 0xE000ED64 ID_ISAR1 0xE000ED68 ID_ISAR2 0xE000ED6C ID_ISAR3 0xE000ED70 ID_ISAR4 0xE000ED78 CLIDR 0xE000ED7C CTR 0xE000ED80 CCSIDR 0xE000ED84 CSSELR 0xE000ED88 CPACR 0xE000EF00 STIR 0xE000EF50 ICIALLU 0xE000EF54 0xE000EF58 ICIMVAU 0xE000EF5C DCIMVAC 0xE000EF60 DCISW 0xE000EF64 DCCMVAU 0xE000EF68 DCCMVAC 0xE000EF6C DCCSW 0xE000EF70 DCCIMVAC 0xE000EF74 DCCISW 0xE000EF78 BPIALL 0xE000EF7C 0xE000EF80 0xE000EF90 CM7_ITCMCR 0xE000EF94 CM7_DTCMCR 0xE000EF98 CM7_AHBPCR 0xE000EF9C CM7_CACR 0xE000EFA0 CM7_AHBSCR 0xE000EFA4 0xE000EFA8 CM7_ABFSR 0xE000EFB0 IEBR0 0xE000EFB4 IEBR1 0xE000EFB8 DEBR0 0xE000EFBC DEBR1 0xE000EFD0 PID4 0xE000EFD4 PID5 0xE000EFD8 PID6 0xE000EFDC PID7 0xE000EFE0 PID0 0xE000EFE4 PID1 0xE000EFE8 PID2 0xE000EFEC PID3 0xE000EFF0 CID0 0xE000EFF4 CID1 0xE000EFF8 CID2 0xE000EFFC CID3 0xE000E008 ACTLR Auxiliary Control Register 0xE000E00C Reserved 0xE000E010 SYST_CSR SysTick Control and Status Register 0xE000E014 SYST_RVR SysTick Reload Value Register 0xE000E018 SYST_CVR SysTick Current Value Register 0xE000E01C SYST_CALIB SysTick Calibration Value Register 0xE000ED00 CPUID CPUID Base Register 0xE000ED04 ICSR Interrupt Control and State Register 0xE000ED08 VTOR Vector Table Offset Register 0xE000ED0C AIRCR Application Interrupt and Reset Control Register 0xE000ED10 SCR System Control Register 0xE000ED14 CCR Configuration and Control Register 0xE000ED18 SHPR1 System Handler Priority Register 1 0xE000ED1C SHPR2 System Handler Priority Register 2 0xE000ED20 SHPR3 System Handler Priority Register 3 0xE000ED24 SHCSR System Handler Control and State Register 0xE000ED28 CFSR Configurable Fault Status Registers[e] 0xE000ED2C HFSR HardFault Status Register 0xE000ED30 DFSR Debug Fault Status Register 0xE000ED34 MMFAR MemManage Fault Address Register[f] 0xE000ED38 BFAR BusFault Address Register[f] 0xE000ED40 ID_PFR0 Processor Feature Register 0 0xE000ED44 ID_PFR1 Processor Feature Register 1 0xE000ED48 ID_DFR0 Debug Feature Register 0[g] 0xE000ED4C ID_AFR0 Auxiliary Feature Register 0 0xE000ED50 ID_MMFR0 Memory Model Feature Register 0 0xE000ED54 ID_MMFR1 Memory Model Feature Register 1 0xE000ED58 ID_MMFR2 Memory Model Feature Register 2 0xE000ED5C ID_MMFR3 Memory Model Feature Register 3 0xE000ED60 ID_ISAR0 Instruction Set Attributes Register 0 0xE000ED64 ID_ISAR1 Instruction Set Attributes Register 1 0xE000ED68 ID_ISAR2 Instruction Set Attributes Register 2 0xE000ED6C ID_ISAR3 Instruction Set Attributes Register 3 0xE000ED70 ID_ISAR4 Instruction Set Attributes Register 4 0xE000ED78 CLIDR Cache Level ID Register 0xE000ED7C CTR Cache Type Register 0xE000ED80 CCSIDR Cache Size ID Register 0xE000ED84 CSSELR Cache Size Selection Register 0xE000ED88 CPACR Coprocessor Access Control Register 0xE000EF00 STIR Software Triggered Interrupt Register 0xE000EF50 ICIALLU Instruction cache invalidate all to Point of Unification (PoU) 0xE000EF54 Reserved 0xE000EF58 ICIMVAU Instruction cache invalidate by address to PoU 0xE000EF5C DCIMVAC Data cache invalidate by address to Point of Coherency (PoC) 0xE000EF60 DCISW Data cache invalidate by set/way 0xE000EF64 DCCMVAU Data cache by address to PoU 0xE000EF68 DCCMVAC Data cache clean by address to PoC 0xE000EF6C DCCSW Data cache clean by set/way 0xE000EF70 DCCIMVAC Data cache clean and invalidate by address to PoC 0xE000EF74 DCCISW Data cache clean and invalidate by set/way 0xE000EF78 BPIALL Not implemented 0xE000EF7C Reserved 0xE000EF80 Reserved 0xE000EF90 CM7_ITCMCR Instruction and Data Tightly-Coupled Memory Control Registers 0xE000EF94 CM7_DTCMCR Instruction and Data Tightly-Coupled Memory Control Registers 0xE000EF98 CM7_AHBPCR AHBP Control Register 0xE000EF9C CM7_CACR Cache Control Register 0xE000EFA0 CM7_AHBSCR AHB Slave Control Register 0xE000EFA4 Reserved 0xE000EFA8 CM7_ABFSR Auxiliary Bus Fault Status Register 0xE000EFB0 IEBR0 Instruction Error bank Register 0-1 0xE000EFB4 IEBR1 Instruction Error bank Register 0-1 0xE000EFB8 DEBR0 Data Error bank Register 0-1 0xE000EFBC DEBR1 Data Error bank Register 0-1 See the Component and Peripheral ID register formats in the Armv7-M Architecture Reference Manual. 0xE000EFD0 PID4 0xE000EFD4 PID5 0xE000EFD8 PID6 0xE000EFDC PID7 0xE000EFE0 PID0 0xE000EFE4 PID1 0xE000EFE8 PID2 0xE000EFEC PID3 0xE000EFF0 CID0 0xE000EFF4 CID1 0xE000EFF8 CID2 0xE000EFFC CID3 Auxiliary Control Register. CPUID Base Register. Cache Level ID Register. Cache Size ID Register. Cache Size Selection Register. Instruction and Data Tightly-Coupled Memory Control Registers. AHBP Control Register. Cache Control Register. Auxiliary Bus Fault Status Register. Instruction Error bank Register 0-1. Data Error bank Register 0-1. AHB Slave Control Register. GPIO Registers one processor register must be a pointer to the I/O register another register will contain the value to be written an indexed write instruction performs the operation MODER OTYPER OSPEEDR PUPDR IDR ODR BSRR LCKR MODER: Mode Register, Die Funktion des Pins einstellen, 00: Input (Reset Status) 01: GPIO (ODR-Ausgabe) 10: Alternative Funktion 11: Analog Modus OTYPER 0: Output push-pull 1: Output open-drain OSPEEDR 00: Low speed 01: Medium speed 10: High speed 11: Very high speed PUPDR 00: No PullUp, PullDown 01: PullUp 10: PullDown 11: Reserviert IDR ODR BSRR 0..15 Setzen (hat Priorit"at) 16..31 R"ucksetzen LCKR |